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所属栏目: 初二试卷
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摘 要:2014-2015学年新教材新目标八年级英语(上)期中试题班级:姓名:分数:(满分100分+10分附加分考试时间:45分钟)一.选择填空(15分)()1.—whatdid__oldmaninwhitebuyinyourshop?—hebou......


1-5 BADAD          6-10 ACCCD         11-15 BABBC

16-20 CDDCB      21-25 DCDBA       26-30 BACDC

31-35 DACBB 36-40 BCAAC

41. outgoing    42. culture            43. reason              44. though      45. hardly                    

46. myself      47. unlucky          48. creative           49. twice       50. meaningless     

51. is similar to 52. up to            53. take; seriously

54. more and more popular          55. the same as

56. to visit    57. differences   58. hearing        59. winners        60. good 

61. worst     62. is                     63. walking        64. using             65. playing

One possible version:

Tina and Gina are good friends. They have a lot in common. For example, they are both beautiful, and they both like reading books and playing games. What’s more, they both work hard at school. There are also differences between them. Tina is tall and thin, but Gina is short and a little fat. Tina is more outgoing, but Gina is quieter and shyer than Tina. Tina likes cartoons best, but Gina’s favorite movies are comedies.


1. Because they want to make sure if he is Harry Potter in the book.  

2. It’s interesting and he likes it.                

3. They may feel surprised and strange.

4. A 78-year-old man is also called Harry Potter.

5. An old man named Harry Potter 






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