你现在的位置:学校网首页 - 中学试卷 - 初三试卷 - 贵州沿河县第四中学2011-2012学年初三英语第一学期入学摸底考试(附答案)


所属栏目: 初三试卷
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摘 要:i、单项选择(15分)(从下列各题所给的选项a、b、c、d中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。)1.—whatdoesyourenglishteacherlooklike?—she’stallandthin________longhair.a......
I、单项选择(15分) (从下列各题所给的选项A、B、C、D中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。)

1. — What does your English teacher look like? — She’s tall and thin ________ long hair.

A. have B. has C. there is D. with

2. — It’s a fine day today. How about __________? — Sounds great!

A. go hiking B. go to hike C. going hiking D. to go to hike

3. — How long can I ________ the book? —For two weeks.

A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. buy

4. ________ is the most important festival in China.

A. Christmas B. Spring Festival C. Mid-autumn Day D. National Day

5. There _________ a concert on Qixing Square next Monday evening.

A. is B. is going to C. is going to be D. will have

6. — _______ we clean the classroom at once? — No, you _______. You _______ clean it after school.

A. Must; needn’t; may B. Must; mustn’t; can. C. Shall; can’t; must D. Need; mustn’t; may

7. The story is _________ and all of us are _______ in it.

A. interest; interesting B. interesting; interest

C. interested; interesting D. interesting; interested

8. If it ________ this Saturday, we will ________ for a picnic.

A. won’t rain; shall go B. doesn’t rain; will go C. isn’t rain; go D. doesn’t rain; go

9. —Can you tell me _________? —I lost my MP3 player.

A. What’s the matter with you B. what the matter is with you

C. what the matter you is D. what the matter with you are.

10. Great changes _________ in Tongren in the past five years.

A. have happened B. have taken place C. have been happened D. have been taken place

11. Neither my father nor my mother ________ rock music. They think that it’s too ______.

A. like; noise B. likes; noise C. like; noisy D. likes; noisy

12. Li Mei is the student _________ handwriting is the best in our class.

A. whose B. whom C. who D. that

13. My father _______ TV in the living room when I ______ home yesterday.

A. watched; got B. was watching; got C. watched; was getting D. was watching; was getting






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