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Goldilocks and the Three Bears 金发姑娘和三只熊听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第二册 - 冀教版小学英语(三起)--第二册 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:Goldilocks and the Three Bears 金发姑娘和三只熊听力,冀教版小学英语(三起)--第二册,冀教版小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 Goldilocks and the Three Bears 金发姑娘和三只熊
Father Bear,Mother Bear and Baby Bear
are a happy family. They live in a house.它们住在一个房子里.
They like to eat porridge.它们喜欢喝粥. One day,Mother Bear makes porridge for supper.
Father Bear says, "Let's go for a walk before supper."
Mother Bear says,"Okay." Baby Bear says,"Okay."
So the three bears go for a walk于是三只熊去散步 Just then,a small girl comes along.
Her name is Goldilocks.她叫金发姑娘. She has blond hair.她长着一头金发.
Goldilocks walks by the house where the three bears live.
She goes into the house.她走进了房间. Goldilocks sees three chairs金发姑娘看见了三把椅
She sits in Father Bear's chair.她坐在熊爸爸的椅 She says,
"This chair is too hard."这把椅子太硬了. She sits in Mother Bear's chair.她坐在熊妈妈的椅
She says, "This chair is too soft."这把椅子太软了.
She sits in Baby Bear's chair.她坐在熊宝宝的椅上 She says,
"This chair is just right."这个椅子正好. But the chair breaks into a thousand pieces.
Then Goldilocks sees three bowls of porridge on the table.
She tastes Father Bear's porridge. She says,
"This porridge is too hot."这碗粥太烫了. She tastes Mother Bear's porridge.
She says, "This porridge is too cold."这碗粥太凉了.
She tastes Baby Bear's porridge. She says,
"This porridge is just right."这碗粥正合适. And she eats all the porridge.她喝完了整碗粥.
Then Goldilocks sees three beds. She lies on Father Bear's bed.她躺在熊爸爸的床上
She says, "This bed is too big."这张太大了.
She lies on Mother Bear's bed.她躺在熊妈妈的床上 She says,
"This bed is too big."这张太大了. She lies on Baby Bear's bed.她躺在熊宝宝的床上.
She says, "This bed is just right."这张床正好.
And she goes to sleep on the bed然后她便上床睡觉 Just then the three bears come home.
They are hungry.它们饿了. They want to eat supper.它们想吃晚饭.
They go into the house.它们走进房间. They go to the table.它们走向桌子.
Father Bear says, "Someone was eating my porridge!"有人喝了我的粥!
Mother Bear says, "Someone was eating my porridge!"
Baby Bear says, "Someone was eating my porridge,有人喝了我的粥,
and ate it all up!"而且喝光了! They see their chairs.它们看见了它们的椅子.
Father Bear says, "Someone was sitting in my chair有人坐了我的椅子
Mother Bear says, "Someone was sitting in my chair!"
Baby Bear says,"Someone was sitting in my chair, and it broke into a thousand pieces!"
Then they go to bed.然后它们走向床. Father Bear says,
"Someone was sleeping on my bed!"有人睡了我的床! Mother Bear says,"Someone was sleeping on my bed
Baby Bear says,"Someone was sleeping on my bed, and here she is!"而且她就在这儿!
Just then Goldilocks wake up就在这时金发姑娘醒了 She sees the three bears looking at her.
She yells,"Help!Help!"她喊道:"救命!救命!" She runs out of the house.她跑出了房间.
She runs and runs,far away.她跑啊跑,跑远了. And the three bears never see her again.


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