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新标准小学英语活动用书第四册 09听力

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关键词:新标准小学英语活动用书第四册 09听力,新标准小学英语活动用书4册(一起),新标准小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:00.00Module 3
00:06.74Unit 3
00:12.46What's twenty plus ten?
00:15.75Activity 1
00:19.41Listen and repeat.
00:22.67What is twenty plus ten?
00:25.65It's thirty.
00:26.96Yes.Well done!
00:28.97What's ten plus five?
00:32.68It's eighteen.
00:34.53No,it isn't.
00:35.89Try again.
00:37.20It's fifteen.
00:38.97Yes.Well done.
00:41.40Activity 2
00:48.04Now listen,calculate and point.
00:52.19Then say the answer.
00:53.86What's forty plus five?
00:53.97What's seventy plus ten?
00:59.82What's ten plus eight?
01:05.28What's forty plus ten?
01:11.24What's fifty plus fifty?
01:17.12What's thirty-five plus three?
01:22.16What's ninety-one plus four?
01:27.52What's nine plus five?
01:32.46What's ten plus twelve
01:38.23What's seventy plus three?


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