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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:00.00MODULE 3 Travel
00:07.08Unit 1
00:12.43We're going to go to Hainan.
00:17.401 Listen and point.
00:29.18It's the time to go to bed,children.We're going to go to Hainan tomorrow.
00:36.75We're going to go to by plane!And we're going to get up at 5 O'clock!
00:42.81Hello, What's you name ? I'm Sam , I'm from England.
00:52.56I'm Xiaoyong.I'm from China.We're going to go to Hainan.
01:03.14I'm going to swim in the sea.
01:07.58I'm going to visit my grandpa in Hainan.
01:12.33And I'm going to swim ,too .I'm going to swim,now.
01:21.58Oh no!This is xiaoyong's bag.And this is xiaoyong's swimsuit.
01:32.66Unit 2
01:37.93There are 24 stone animals.
01:42.191 Listen,point and say.
01:52.95We're going to visit the Ming Tombs tomorrow.
01:58.31There are 24 stone animals here.Look, Lion,camels and elephants.Roar!
02:11.16And scary animals,too.What's that? It's a monster. Help!Roar! Ha ,ha ,ha!
02:26.81Unit 3
02:31.98You can come, too.
02:35.221 Listen and sing.
02:47.99The zoo, we're going to go to the zoo.And you,you can come too.
03:11.56word list
03:15.92animals China from Hong kong
03:24.90动物 中国 来自 香港
03:33.89Ming Tombs monster o'clock scary
03:44.86明陵;十三陵 怪物 点钟 吓人的
03:55.83sea stone swim
04:03.02海 石头 游泳
04:10.20swimsuit tomorrow visit
04:17.68游泳衣 明天 游览


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