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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线新课标小学英语第九册(一年级起点外研版)2听力,还有更多的外研社新标准小学五年级英语(一起)及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:00.00Module2 UNIT1
00:06.48This one is heavy.
00:10.921.Listen,point and find "big,heavy".
00:24.58Amy:Come on ,Lingling.We're going to go to the supermarket.
00:32.03Lingling:Great!Let`s go!
00:32.13Lingling:Oh,what a big supermarket!
00:38.98Amy:Yes,it is .There are many sweets over there.Sam:And there are many fruits,too.
00:43.71Ms Smart:Please help me put the bags in the car.
00:48.88Lingling:This one is heavy. I can`t lift it.
00:53.14Sam:Let me help you.
00:54.78Ms Smart:You are helpful children. Have an ice cream.
01:00.22Amy, Sam and Ling ling:Thank you!
01:02.042.Listen and say.
01:13.67There are many sweets.
01:16.91There are many fruits,too.
01:20.64This one is heavy.
01:24.90Module2 UNIT2
01:28.77They sell different things.
01:33.811.Listen and repeat.
01:42.95Many English supermarkets are very big.
01:47.52They sell different things.
01:51.29They sell food from lots of countries.They also sell clothes,toys and CDS.
02:01.21Sometimes there are restaurants at the supermarket.
02:06.36Many families go to the supermarket together.
02:11.013.Listen and say.Then say the poem.
02:25.66What do you want,dear mother?What do you want?
02:30.63Meat and eggs,and fish and chicken.That is what I want.
02:35.90What do you want, dear daughter? What do you want?
02:40.45Sweets and cakes, and fruits and biscuits. That`s what I want.
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