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新标准小学英语活动用书第七册 27听力

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关键词:新标准小学英语活动用书第七册 27听力,新标准小学英语活动用书7册(一起),新标准小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:00.00Unit 2 What did they say?
00:05.93Activity 2 Now listen and check your answers.
00:15.36Can I have an ice cream please?
00:17.68He said,'Can I have an ice cream please?'
00:22.31Can we go to the zoo please?
00:26.85She said, 'Can we go to the Zoo please?'
00:31.27'Can you read me a story please?'
00:37.69The lady said,'Can you read me a story please?'
00:42.58Word list: angry cheated moon par
01:12.78Reading the pleasure 1 Hats and Monkeys
01:22.70Look at this man,he's got lots of hats.
01:27.95It's hot.The man sits down under the tree.
01:34.17There are monkeys in the tree.
01:46.66The monkeys take the hats.
01:50.40The man shakes his face.Mmmm..
01:56.02The monkeys shake their faces.
01:59.75The man stamps his foot.
02:04.82The monkeys stamp their feet.
02:10.17The man throws his hat on the ground.
02:10.23The monkeys throw their hats on the ground.
02:15.45The man has got his hats,and he is happy. HaHa..
02:22.292 Reponzle
02:30.58This girl is a princess.
02:33.97She is beautiful,and she's got long long hair.
02:35.84She is in a castle. She cannot get out, 'help,help' she cries.
02:44.41This young man is on his white horse,he hears the princess.
02:56.51He goes to the castle.'
03:04.37What is your name?''My name is Reponzle,I can't get out,please help me.'
03:13.12'Reponzle!Reponzle! Let down your hair!'
03:19.23The girl lets down her long long hair.
03:23.75The young man climbs up.'I've got a rope, climb down.'
03:31.30They climb down the rope,and get on his white horse,they go to the girl's house.
03:46.06The girl's father is very happy.HaHa...
03:55.203.Cats and Dogs
04:03.46This is an old man.He's got a beautiful house.
04:08.55He's got a cat and a dog.He doesn't go out.
04:13.20What is the old man doing?
04:16.55A thief goes to look, the man is sitting at the table.
04:25.51'I'm hungry.''I'm hungry too'
04:32.35'Here's your fish,and here's your meat.'
04:39.51He's got a magic wand. That night,the thief takes the wand.
04:49.70'Thief get my wand!'
04:53.96The cat and the dog go far away.
04:57.98One day,they see the thief,'Let's get the wand,'
05:07.91'I've got the wand.' 'Wait for me!'
05:18.35The cat is at home.The old man is very happy.
05:29.87'Thank you,you're good!The dog is bad.'
05:36.20A long time later,the dog comes home.
05:41.29'Go away dog,you didn't help me.'
05:52.13And that's why dogs don't like cats.
06:04.154.BY THE SEA
06:11.44'Look Sam! What's this?''It's a starfish,Amy. But don't touch it'
06:24.08'Look at this beautiful shell. You can hear the sea.'
06:29.38'Come and look at this funny animal.' 'Oh,it's a crab.'
06:39.23'Dad,come and look at the fish,they're beautiful!'
06:47.80'Mum,come and look at my sandcastle!'
06:52.13'Billy tidy at the beach!'
07:00.05Copyright 2002 VaT Electronics Co.,Ltd


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