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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第六册 V.Story2-Maddy's Grandfather 麦迪的爷爷听力

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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 Maddy's Grandfather 麦迪的爷爷
Manster menster munster,Maddy!怪物,怪物,怪物麦迪
Nice to see you,too,Grandfather. Hi!I'm Maddy the Monster.嗨!我是麦迪怪物.
I live in a big,big house with my big,big family My grandfather is taking a trip to see my family
He is coming to Canada from the U.S. Grandfather,says this:Hello.How are you?
Rello.How are hou?嗨,你好吗? I am fine,thanks.
I am thine,fanks. My grandfather speaks Monster.我爷爷说怪物语言.
He wants to speak English.他想说英语. He says that English is hard.他说英语太难了.
I say, "Grandfather,I speak English!爷爷,我说的是英语.
English is fun!英语很在意思! English is easy!"英语很简单!
My grandfather says I speak English quickly. He says I speak softly.他还说我说得太温柔.
He asks my to speak slowly and loudly. MY NAME IS MADDY.我叫麦迪.
Muddle?马窦? MY NAME IS MADDY.
My name is Maddy. NO,GRANDFATHER.
Nour mane is Yark.你的名字叫马克. My grandfather and I go to the park
near my house. There are many people in the park.公园里有很多人
There are men and women talking.人们在聊天. There many children playing and laughing.
My grandfather sasy,"Meenster monster,Maddy!" I say,
"Don't worry,Grandfather.不用担心,爷爷. I'll be careful."我会小心的.
But Anna and I go up high in a tree. Now we feel scared.我们感到很害怕.
"Help!Help!"we say. HELP!HELP!救命!救命!
Excuse me,Mr. Monster. Maddy wants you.麦迪需要你.
Muddle? Mr. Monster!
Can you help Maddy and Anna?你能帮帮麦迪和安娜吗 Slease speak poudly.请说大声一点.
The men and women stop talking.人们停止了谈话. The children stop playing.孩子们也停止了玩耍.
Everyone looks at me.每个人都看着我. They don't speak Monster.他们不说怪物语.
"MIN-STER!MUN-STER!MON-STER!" I yell very loudly.
"MON-STER MON-STER MON-STER!" "Muddle?"my grandfather says.
Then he sees Anna and me in the tree. He runs to the tree and helps us down.
Manster? Minster monster?
Yes,I'm okay,是的,我很好, but my English hurts!不过我的英语变味了.


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