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沪教版牛津小学四年级英语下--Unit 4听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:沪教版牛津小学四年级英语 - 沪教版牛津小学四年级英语 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:沪教版牛津小学四年级英语下--Unit 4听力,沪教版牛津小学四年级英语,牛津小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 Unit 4
00:19.36What can you smell and taste?
00:22.18Read and answer
00:24.71Ben's friend
00:27.04This is David.He cannot see.He is blind.
00:36.02He can hear.He can touch.He can feel.He can smell.He can taste.
00:50.73I can smell oranges.Is this a fruit shop?
00:59.90yes,it is.
01:01.86I can smell cakes.Is this a cake shop?
01:06.87Yes,it is.
01:09.20I can smell hamburgers.Is this MCdonald's?
01:14.00yes,it is.
01:15.73This is a hamburger.
01:18.47I can taste it.
01:20.38It's good.
01:28.29What can David smell?
01:35.96He can smell...
01:43.12Play a game.
01:45.94I can smell...
01:49.34Close your eyes.
01:49.41What can you smell?
01:52.44I can smell biscuits.
01:56.46Yes.Have a biscuit.
02:00.41Page 15
02:02.76Look and talk
02:05.16It is small.It is rough.It is yellow.
02:12.63Smell it.It is nice.It is a lemon.
02:18.67It is big.It is smooth.It is red.
02:31.99Smell it.It is nice It is an apple.
02:38.31Read and answer
02:41.08What have you got,Kitty?
02:44.79Close your eyes.
02:47.14Smell it.It's an apple.It's nice.
02:55.10What have got,Eddie?
02:59.65Close your eyes.
03:01.40Smell it.It's a sandwich.It's nice.
03:09.34What have you got,Peter?
03:14.54Close your eyes.
03:17.13Smell it.It's chocolate.It's nice.
03:25.25What have you got,Alice?
03:30.94Close your eyes.
03:33.37Smell it.It's a cake.It's nice.
03:43.22Page 16
03:45.36Read a story
03:47.32the fox and the grapes
03:50.30Look at the grapes.
03:53.91The grapes are round and purle.
03:59.63A fox is looking at the grapes.
04:05.06It likes grapes.
04:08.17A bird is looking at the grapes.
04:13.60It likes grapes.
04:16.74The bird is eating the grapes.
04:21.94They're my grapes.
04:24.57I like grapes.
04:27.81These grapes are sweet.
04:30.97Those grapes are sour.
04:34.29I don't like those grapes.
04:38.21Page 17
04:41.16Look and learn
04:43.43orange juice lemon juice pineapple juice apple juice water
05:10.73Play a game
05:13.76six glasses
05:16.61close your eyes.This is A.
05:21.42Smell it.
05:25.39Taste it.What is it?
05:40.75Learn the sound
05:46.91Some fluff is on the cuff.
05:55.66Page 18
05:58.98Say and act
06:01.02Birthday presents.
06:03.16Where is mum,Winnie?
06:05.51She's in the kitchen.
06:08.12What is she doing?
06:10.89She's making a cake.
06:13.82Whose presents are those?
06:17.94they're winnie's presents.
06:20.87Oh,yes,It's winnie's birthday today.
06:26.75Happy birthday!
06:29.92Thank you.
06:34.64Close your eyes,Winnie.
06:37.57Put your hands in the box.
06:40.86Touch it.
06:43.03Is it a toy car?
06:45.07yes,Here you are.
06:47.89Close your eyes,Winnie.
06:51.41Smell it.
06:53.14Guess.What have I got?
06:55.78It's box of chocolates.
07:00.11Close your eyes Winnie.
07:03.25What have I got?
07:08.13Oh,it's a clock!Thank you,Dad.
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