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来源:网络 所属栏目:深圳双语版小学五年级英语 - 深圳双语版小学五年级英语 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线小学英语深圳双语版五年级下UNIT1听力,还有更多的深圳双语版小学五年级英语及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:40.41Chapter 1 A busy weekend
00:49.55A Mr and Mrs Chow are on holiday.What is happening at their house?
01:07.84The robot is doing the housework.Grandpa is the dog for a walk.
01:06.84Picture 1 make a mess Picture 2 tear the toilet paper
01:26.01Picture 3 break the vase Picture 4 do the housework
01:45.87Picture 5 take the dog for a walk Picture 6 draw on the wall
02:07.63B Mr and Mrs Chow are worried about Charlie and Cherry.
02:16.17They are checking what they are doing on the computer.What can they see? Here are these answers.
02:41.61Picture 1 Charlie is eating a sandwich.He has eaten the sandwich.
02:59.27Picture 2 Charlie and Cherry are drinking some milk.
03:12.83They have drunk the milk.
03:18.26Picture 3 Charlie is writing an e-mail. He has written the e-mail.
03:37.17Picture 4 Cherry is doing her homework.She has doen her homework.
03:55.09Picture 5 Charlie is drawing a picture.He has drawn a picture.
04:14.45Picture 6 Charlie and Cherry are going out.They have gone out.
04:32.79C Charlie is checking what the robot has done.Act Chalie and the robot.Here are these examples.
05:05.26Have you written a shopping list yet?Yes,I've already written a shopping list.
05:22.00Have you thrown away the rubbish yet?No,I haven't thrown away the rubbish yet.
05:37.73Now you do the rest.
05:43.56D Cherry wrote this poem after talking to her parents on the phone.Read her poem.
06:02.13Have you been a good girl today?I've done my home work and I've read my book.
06:10.80I've eaten my lunch and I've thanked the cook.
06:14.93I've done the house work and played outside.
06:19.37I've taken my pet for a bicycle ride.But whatever I've done,they only say……
06:27.21Have you been a good girl today?I've been to the zoo and I've seen a monkey.
06:34.78I've been to the beach and swim in the sea.
06:38.44I've been to the park and I've played on the swing.
06:43.14I've been to school and I've learned to sing.
06:46.72But wherever I've been,they only say……
06:45.72Have you been a good girl today?
06:49.14E Are these sentences about the poem true or false?Put a tick or a cross.
07:09.701 Cherry did not finish her homework.
07:19.522 She cooked her own lunch.
07:29.553 She took her dog for a walk.
07:40.324 She saw a monkey at the zoo.
07:50.665 She swam in the sea.
08:00.096 She had a piano lesson.
08:09.70Skill Read the telephone conversation and the message.
08:23.73Hello.Hello,Cherry.It's Mrs Lee. Is your mother there?
08:38.39No,sorry.She's not here.She's on holiday.
08:48.42Ok.Please ask her to call me on 1234 1234 when she comes back.
09:16.42Work in pair.Role play the conversation.Then write down the message for Cherry.
09:33.24F The pets have made a mess at home.Act Charlie and the robot.
09:50.38Charlie,the pets have made a mess!
10:00.54What have they done?
10:04.88The monkey has eaten the potato chips.
10:12.71It has drawn on the wall.The……
10:20.42Now you try.
10:25.07Please clear up the mess.
10:31.63Chrlie phones the robot half an hour later.What has it done?
10:45.26Have you cleared up the mess yet?
10:52.32I've already swept the floor.Now you do the rest.
11:05.45Chapter 2 Special things we have done
11:16.50A The children are doing some special things at the Spring Fair.What are they doing?
11:34.45Sally is wearing a costume.Cherry is riding a horse.
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