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快乐英语第四册 UNIT1-3听力

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关键词:快乐英语第四册 UNIT1-3听力,快乐英语第四册,儿童英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:00.00Fun with english Students' Book
00:21.39Unit 1 We have a PE class today.
00:27.64Lesson 1 1.Learn to Say
00:32.91Today we have two new students.
00:37.28Hello! I'm Helen. I'm from England.
00:42.74Hi! My name is Takuya. I'm from Japan. Welcome!
00:50.812.Listen,Read and Write.
00:58.75I'm Helen. I'm in Class 1.
01:03.50Tom Class 2 Takuya Class 1 Yuan Yuan Class 3
01:14.452.Let's act
01:21.61Hello,Miss Lin.
01:24.85Hi,Joker. This is Helen and this is Takuya.
01:30.91I'm Joker.I'm form Australia. Where are you from?
01:37.57I'm from Japan.I'm from England.
01:42.92Which class are you in? We're in Class 1.
01:48.673.Let's chant
01:55.30This is Mr Johnson. Nice to see you.
02:00.87This is Miss Flower. Glad to meet you.
02:06.12This is Mrs Bright. Good to know you.
02:11.47Lesson 2 1.Learn to Say
02:16.52Hello! Hello,Xiao Hui!
02:19.96This is my new friend,Helen.
02:24.93Where are you from? I'm form England.
02:30.202.Listen,Read and Write
02:37.96I'm from England. China Japan America England
02:47.032.Let's act
02:54.11Tom,this is my new friend.
02:58.83Hi! What's you name? My name is Takuya.
03:05.89Where are you from? I'm from Japan.What about you?
03:12.76I'm from England. Let's play together. OK. Let's.
03:20.313.Let's sing Where Are You from?
04:41.57Lesson 3 1.Learn to Say
04:46.82Today is Monday. We have a PE class today.
04:53.69Yes! I like PE. Me,too!
04:59.342.Listen,Read and Write
05:08.11I like PE.
05:11.56Monday Tuesday English Chinese PE
05:21.912.Let's act
05:29.64Today is Tuesday. We have an English class today.
05:36.20Great! I like English.
05:40.45Me,too. Oh,it's 9:10. Time for our English class.
05:47.92Yeah! Let's go to the classroom. OK.
05:53.573.Let's chant
06:00.52What's your favorite class? English! English! English!
06:06.97What's your favorite class? Chinese! Chinese! Chinese!
06:13.34What's your favorite class? Can you tell me,please
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