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快乐英语第八册 UNIT3-13听力

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关键词:快乐英语第八册 UNIT3-13听力,快乐英语第八册,儿童英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:06.69Unit 3
00:08.38English in your life
00:12.44Lesson 13
00:14.95Telephone Call
00:18.30Read and Act
00:20.60Hi! This is Annie.
00:23.20May I speak to Linda?
00:25.87Hold on, please.
00:27.91Hello! This is Linda.
00:30.44Who's speaking?
00:31.96This is Annie.
00:33.35I've got a new DVD.
00:36.46Really? Where did you buy it?
00:39.57I bought it in the supermarket.
00:42.19What's its name?
00:43.99The Sound of Music.
00:46.09That's my favorite movie.
00:48.63Come to my home. Let's watch it.
00:51.29Cool! I'm coming.
01:01.68Let's share it.
01:03.30May I speak to...
01:06.40Listen, Write and Say
01:13.00May I speak to David?
01:15.47I'm sorry he's not at home.
01:17.89Who's calling, please?
01:20.14This is Li Ming, David's friend.
01:23.79Hi, Li Ming.
01:25.47Can I take a message?
01:27.56OK. Please ask him to call me at 40275839.
01:35.65No problem.
01:37.43Thank you. Goodbye!
01:42.23Read and Think
01:44.73My grandma lived in New York.
01:48.03She wanted to go to Los Angeles.
01:51.10She called an airline and asked,
01:53.71"Can you tell me how long it takes to fly to Los Angeles?"
01:58.43Then came the reply, "Just a minute."
02:01.84"OK. Thank you." said the old woman and hung up.
02:07.98Did the old lady get the right information?
02:13.12Do you know the meaning of "Just a minute"?
02:17.71Let's Sing
02:36.07E- del- weiss, e- del- weiss,
02:42.91eve- ry morning you greet me.
02:49.66Small and white, clean and bright,
02:56.84you look hap-py to meet me.
03:03.72Blos-som of snow, may you bloom and grow,
03:10.83bloom and grow for- ev- er.
03:17.83E- del- weiss, e- del- weiss,
03:24.76bless my homeland for-ev- er.
03:45.82E- del- weiss, e- del- weiss,
03:52.74eve- ry morning you greet me.
03:59.65Small and white, clean and bright,
04:06.67you look hap-py to meet me.
04:13.65Blos-som of snow, may you bloom and grow,
04:20.64bloom and grow for- ev- er.
04:27.61E- del- weiss, e- del- weiss,
04:34.53bless my homeland for-ev- er.
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