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来源:网络 所属栏目:幼儿学英语 - 幼儿学英语 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线幼儿学英语lesson14听力,还有更多的幼儿学英语及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲   brother sister uncle aunt red-flag red-star red-flour
  Has he a brother? Yes, he has. And he has a sister, too.
  Has she an uncle? No, she has not.
  Has she an aunt? Yes, she has.
  Has Tom a red-flag? No, he has not.
  Has he a red-star? Yes, he has.
  Has he a red-flour? Yes, he has.
  Oh, Tom is really a good boy!
  Has Alice a red-star? Yes, she has.
  Has Mary a red-star? Yes, she has.
  Have you a red-star, too? Yes, I have five red-stars.
  We’re all good children.
  Come here!
  Come here!
  Go back!
  go back!
  Come to the front, please!
  come to the front, please!
  Go back to your seat, please!
  go back to your seat, please!
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