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小学六年级英语(人教版新课标)上册 UNIT1听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:人教新课标小学六年级英语下 - 人教新课标小学六年级英语下 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:小学六年级英语(人教版新课标)上册 UNIT1听力,人教新课标小学六年级英语下,人教版小学英语,听力内容
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00:00.00NEW PRIMARY ENGLISH FOR CHINA Stdudent'book;
00:41.14Unit 1 You should obey the rules.
00:44.77lesson 1 just read and speak
00:48.43Gao Wei is a good student.
00:52.61He knows everyone in school should obey the rules.
00:55.98He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully.
01:00.55He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader.
01:05.20His group is making a list of rules for the class.Class Rules
01:11.76Listen to the teacher carefully? Hand in your homework on time.
01:11.84Don't be late for class. Don't make noise in class.;
01:19.78lesson 2 just practise
01:29.29listen to the teather carefully. Dont't be late for class/school.
02:04.08May I ask you question? Ask questions actively.
02:14.22Don't make noise. Be quiet. Don't eat in class.
02:24.254 let's read and chat oo
03:21.82lesson 3 just read and speak
03:31.15Peter is a good student at school.
03:34.67But sometimes he is not a good boy at home.
03:38.93He often makes a mess in his room.
03:42.20He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table.
03:45.93He watches TV the whole evening.
03:48.88He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.
03:53.33Peter's mother writes some home rules for him:
03:56.62HOME RULES
03:59.391.You should help to set the dinner table.
04:03.072.You should go to bed early.
04:06.883.You should keep your room clean.
04:11.171.You shouldn't read in bed.
04:16.372.You shouldn't watch TV till late.
04:20.913.You shouldn't make a mess in your room.
04:28.18lesson 4 just practise you should go to bed early
04:40.30you shouldn't make a mess in your room.
04:43.83keep your desk clean You should keep your desk clean.
04:48.98make a mess You shouldn't make a mess
04:53.94help to set the dinner table
04:56.47You should help to set the dinner table.
04:59.61go home too late
05:02.40you shouldn't go home too late.
05:04.754 let's read and chant ur
06:14.11lesson 5 just read and speak
06:23.30look out!You mustn't cross the road now.
06:33.96You must wait for the green light.
06:36.52You mustn't spit on the ground. You must keep off the grass.
06:43.65You mustn't pick the flowers.
06:46.92You mustn't litter We must take good car -e of young children.
06:56.35lesson 6 just practise
07:08.84look out!You must wait.
07:08.94respect old people and help them.
07:13.72You must respect old people and help them.
07:17.20take good care of young children
07:20.51You must take good care of young children.
07:24.95keep off the grass
07:27.91You must keep off the grass.
07:30.83you mustn't cross the road now!
07:35.09lay on the street you mustn't play on the street.
07:40.42spit on the ground
07:42.93you mustn't spit on the ground.
07:45.49litter you mustn't litter
07:48.834 let's read and chant ch
08:51.16Revision Fun story
09:00.01Mimi, Micky and their classmates are going on a social studies field trip.
09:10.25They come to a hospital. The rabbit puts sign in front of the hospital.
09:17.80She wants to people, "Be quiet."
09:22.71They come to a busy street.
09:29.90The dog holds up his sign to tell people,"No crossing!"
09:36.32Mimi holds up a sign to tell people, "Look out!"
09:43.43They come to a beauti -ful park.
09:50.56The panada holds up his sign to tell people,"Keep off the grass."
09:59.02Micky points to his sign to people, "No littering."
10:05.66Micky feels hungry. He eats a banana.
10:09.71Then he throws the banana skin on the ground.
10:13.50What is wrong with Micky? What are class -mates doing now?


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