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摘 要:(答题时间:45分钟)一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词:1.idon’tlikesummerbecauseit’stooh________.2.***—doyouknowthew_______?—it’sfine.3.—whichs____......


1. I don’t like summer because it’s too h________.

2. ***—Do you know the w_______?

—It’s fine.

3. —Which s__________ do you like best?


4. In s _________, the trees turn green.

5. —Where do you come from?

***—I come from a great c__________. —China.


1. Summer is ____ favorite season.

A.I B. me C. my D. mine

2. ***Look, this is my father. _____ he is a great father.

A. I think B. I thinks C. he thinks D. he think

3. Sam ______ his homework in his room now.

A. does B. doing C. is doing D. do

4. My brother likes going skating ________ winter. Skating is his favorite sport.

A. to B. in C. on D. at

5. —______ is your father doing?

—He is watching TV.

A. When B. What C. How D. Where

6. **— What’s your favorite _______?

— Basketball. I like basketball best.

A. food B. sport C. season D. drink

7. ***— What do you often do in spring?

— I often _____ a kite.

A. flies B. fly C. flying D. to fly

8. ***I often go ______ in winter.

A. boating B. swimming C. skating D. shopping

9. ****—What’s the _____ in winter in Harbin?

—It’s very cold.

A. day like B. like date C. weather like D. like sport

10. I like winter best, because winter is ______ season of the year.

A. the best B. the better C. the good D. good

11. — ______ do your brothers like summer?

— Because they can swim in the river.

A. What B. Where C. Why D. When

12. Look! Tom_______ his mother do the housework.

A. are wanting B. help C. is helping D. are looking

13. *****It is _____. Look! It is ______ outside.

A. rainy; raining B. rainy; rainy C. raining; rainy D. raining; raining

14. Zhang Ming isn’t _______ basketball. He is _______ football.

A. play; play B. play; playing C. playing; play D. playing; playing

15. — _____ you watching TV?

— Yes, I ________.

A. Are, am B. Do, do C. Do, am D. Are, do


1. 今天天气怎么样?

________________________________________ today?

2. *****北京春天的天气怎么样?

_______________________________________ in Beijing?

3. *****你最喜欢的颜色是什么?

__________________________________________ best?

What’s ______________________________________?

4. 学生们正在干什么?


5. 他们正在踢足球。

They ___________________________.



Welcome to my home. Look, this is my father. He is sitting on the sofa and watching TV. He likes sport programs best. Yao Ming is his favorite sport star. The old man and old woman are my grandparents. They are sitting on the chairs near the window. They are drinking tea and chatting (闲谈) happy. The woman with long hair is my mother. She is cooking dinner for us in the kitchen. It’s her favorite job at home. She can cook much delicious food by herself. Do you see the boy in the room? He is my brother. He is playing computer games. He enjoys it very much. I am his sister. I am as old as he. Why? We are twins. I don’t like playing computer games at all. I like music best. I have an MP4. It is new. Now I am listening to some English songs.

WhoWhat is/are doing?
is playing computer games
my father
my mother


Beijingwarm, windyhot, rainycoolcold, snowy
Harbincool, windycoolcoolvery cold, snowy
WuhanWarmhot, rainyrainynot too cold


1. Beijing is ______ in spring.

A. cold B. warm and windy C. hot D. snow

2. —What is the weather like in Harbin in summer?

—It’s __________.

A. windy B. cool C. cold D. very hot

3. ***—Is it hot in Beijing in summer?


A. Yes, it is B. No, it’s cold C. No, it’s warm D. I don’t know

4. — What’s the weather like in Kunming in winter?

— It’s _______.

A. warm B. cold C. snowy D. cloudy

5. **** — What’s the weather like in winter in Wuhan?

— It’s _____________.

A. very cold and snowy B. warm and windy

C. hot and rainy D. not too cold


一、1. hot 2. weather 3. season 4. spring 5. country

二、1~5 CACBB 6~10 BBCCA 11~15 CCADA

三、1. What’s the weather like

2. What’s the weather like in spring

3. What color do you like

your favorite color

4. What are the students doing

5. They are playing football


1. am listening to the music

2. my brother

3. are sitting on the chairs near the window, drinking and chatting

4. is watching TV

5. is cooking dinner.








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