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摘 要:ⅰ.单选题从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(公20分,每小题1分)()1.chinawillcelebrate________60thanniversary(周年)ofthefoundingofthepeople’srepublicof......
Ⅰ.单选题 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(公20分,每小题1分)

( )1.China will celebrate ________ 60th anniversary(周年) of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 2.The boy has lost ________ mobile phone. _________ asked _________ for help.

A. his; She ; I B. her ; She ; me C. her ; He ; I D. his ; He ; me

( ) 3.High-speed railway between Shenyang and Dalian _______now. When it is finished , it ________ take about one hour to Dalian from Shenyang .

is building ; do B. builds ; does C. is built ; should D. is being built ; will

( ) 4.When ________ says “ocean”, he’s talking about a small pool.

A. an ant B. a monkey C. a dog D. a cat

( ) 5.—Which of your parents is able to come to the teacher-parent meeting?

—__________ is OK.

A. Both B. Either C. All D. None

( ) 6. I don’t know when she ________ , when she ________ tomorrow, I’ll meet her.

A. will come ; come B. is coming ; comes

C. comes ; will come D. will come ; will come

( ) 7. China __________ have its own aircraft carrier(航母) now. Mr. Liang thinks that China ______ it sooner or later.

A. don’t have ; have B. doesn’t has ; has

C. doesn’t have ; will have D. don’t have ; will has

( ) 8. Sullen doesn’t like chatting online with a man _______ is younger than her.

A. which B. what C. where D. who

( ) 9. Yudan _______ to do Yoga(瑜迦), but now she plays tennis.

A. used B. uses C. using D. are used

( )10. —What a nice car! How much did you ________ for it?

—120,000 yuan.

A. spend B. cost C. pay D. takes

( )11. A Chinese navy fleet (海军舰队)took part in the parade(阅兵) _______

April 23, 2009.

A. in B. at C. on D. to

( )12.The wine is _____ rice.

A. made in B. made of C. made from D. made for

( )13. It’s 11:00 pm now. They _________ be sleeping.

A. can B. may C. must D. should

( )14. We are going to do volunteer work _________ it rains tomorrow.

A. since B. if D. as soon as D. unless

( )15. She is __________ student that we all like her.

A. so good a B. such good a C. a so good D. a such good

( )16. The sick children look sad. Let _____________.

A. cheer them up B. give them up C. put them up D. fix them up

( )17. —Can you help me hand out exercise-books?


A. Never mind B. No problem C. With pleasure D. My pleasure

( )18. Could you tell me ______?

A. where does he live B. where did he live

C. where he lives D. where is he live

( )19.—Could you ask him if he _____ to my birthday party next Sunday?

—I will, if I ____ him this afternoon.

A. comes, meet B. will come, will meet

C. comes, will meet D. will come, meet

( )20. Chinese government has taken strong measures to _________ the economic crisis.(经济危机)

A. begin with B. deal with C. come up with D. go along with






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