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来源:网络 所属栏目:北师大版小学六年级英语上 - 北师大版小学六年级英语上 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北师大小学六年级英语上--unit1(1)-b听力,还有更多的北师大版小学六年级英语上及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:01.25What about the math teacher?那么数学老师呢?
00:06.56He's the most boring teacher!他是最烦人的老师了!
00:09.71Hey'everyone,can Ann and Ken join the BINGO Kids?
00:15.73Sure!We'll have lots of fun together.
00:26.05Yesterday Ann,Ken,and their family moved to
00:30.62Redrock Bay.
00:32.69Today they meet some kids in their new
00:37.29These kids have a BINGO Kids club.
00:41.40First Ann and Ken introduce themselves,
00:45.48then the BINGO Kids introduce themselves.
00:49.07Tomorrow Ann and Ken will go to their new school
00:53.28in Redrock Bay.
00:56.62Now,Ken,Ann and the BINGO Kids are talking.
01:01.41They talk about their favorite subjects.
01:04.66Then they talk about their teachers.
01:07.72Ann,Ken and the BINGO Kids are having fun.
01:12.19The BINGO Kids want Ann and Ken to join their
01:18.12Will Ann and Ken join them?安和肯会参加吗?
01:26.42Talk Together
01:29.45What's your favorite subject?
01:34.04It's the most exciting subject.
01:37.33I don't like geography.我不喜欢地理.
01:40.09It's the most difficult subject.
01:45.67Subjects 课程
01:47.44art 美术
01:49.05science 自然
01:50.57English 英语
01:52.39music 音乐
01:54.19history 历史
01:56.03math 数学
01:57.97Adjectives 形容词
02:00.69interesting 有趣的
02:02.51difficult 困难的
02:04.22easy 容易的
02:05.90boring 枯燥的


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