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来源:网络 所属栏目:北师大版小学六年级英语上 - 北师大版小学六年级英语上 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北师大小学六年级英语上--unit4(1)-b听力,还有更多的北师大版小学六年级英语上及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:01.82Daniel loves skiing.丹尼尔热爱滑雪.
00:04.18Let's buy those ski gloves.我们买那副滑雪手套吧.
00:06.05They cost $10.那副手套要十美元.
00:10.21Quick,here comes Daniel.快点,丹尼尔来了.
00:15.09Let's go for an ice cream.我们去买冰激凌吧.
00:17.34Come on! 来吧!
00:19.57I don't like ice cream.我不喜欢冰激凌.
00:21.80I prefer popcorn.我更喜欢爆米花.
00:24.84OK.Popcorn is fine,好的,爆米花也行,
00:27.10but let's go now.但是我们快走吧.
00:35.94Sue,Ken and Ann want to buy a birthday gift for
00:43.43They don't want Daniel to know about this,
00:46.65so Ann asks Daniel to play a video game.
00:50.92They are now in a shopping mall.
00:53.77But they have only $20.但是他们只有十二美元.
00:57.52They can't buy expensive things.他们不能买贵东西.
01:00.56So what can they buy for Daniel?
01:04.62Buying gifts for people isn't easy.
01:08.13First Sue and her friends buy a pair of
01:11.76sunglasses for Daniel.
01:13.50After that,they still have $10 to spend.
01:18.46Daniel likes music,
01:20.46so they want to buy a CD for him.
01:23.51But they don't have enough money.但他们的钱不够.
01:26.49What will they buy in the end?最后他们会买什么呢?
01:36.53Talk Together
01:40.44Which sunglasses do you prefer?你喜欢哪副太阳镜?
01:44.32I prefer these.我喜欢这副.
01:47.30How much do these sunglasses cost?
01:51.37Those cost $35.三十五美元.


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