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来源:网络 所属栏目:北师大版小学六年级英语上 - 北师大版小学六年级英语上 作者:城市学校网
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摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北师大小学六年级英语上--unit5(1)-b听力,还有更多的北师大版小学六年级英语上及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:05.41Daniel has a problem.丹尼尔有麻烦了.
00:08.95He is very worried.他非常担心.
00:10.97He played a game on his father's computer.
00:14.57Suddenly it stopped working.突然电脑停止工作了.
00:17.77So Daniel asks Ken for some advice.
00:21.78They look at the computer manual.
00:24.70Daniel thinks it is the screen,
00:27.39but he is not sure.但是他也不敢肯定.
00:29.78So Ken gives Daniel more advice.
00:33.11What advice will Ken give?肯将有什么主意呢?
00:37.26Then Daniel meets Sue and Lisa.
00:40.64He tells them about his problem.
00:44.01Lisa says may be Daniel pressed the wrong switch.
00:49.23Daniel goes back to check the computer,
00:52.54but his father is working on the computer.
00:56.04It isn't broken!电脑没有坏!
00:58.09Daniel is very glad because his dad isn't angry
01:02.46with him.
01:11.10Talk Together
01:13.55I'm bored.我觉得很无聊.
01:15.53You should play this game.你应该玩这个游戏.
01:17.99That's a good idea.好主意.
01:22.09Problem 问题
01:23.58I feel cold today.今天我觉得有点冷.
01:26.71I have a headache.我头疼.
01:29.15I'm tired.我很累.
01:31.11I have a problem.我遇到麻烦了.
01:33.80I feel dizzy.我觉得头晕.
01:36.30I have a toothache.我牙疼
01:38.91I feel scared.我害怕
01:42.62Advice 建议
01:44.46wear a sweater 穿毛衣
01:46.81take some medicine 吃药
01:49.00go to bed early 早睡
01:51.35tell your parents 告诉你的父母
01:54.04sit down 坐下
01:55.91visit the dentist 去看医生
01:58.24take deep breaths 深呼吸


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