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来源:网络 所属栏目:北京版小学英语 - 北京版小学英语 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:北京小学英语第二册课本2听力,北京版小学英语,小学英语 ,听力内容
摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北京小学英语第二册课本2听力,还有更多的北京版小学英语及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:30.04WHERE ARE YOU FROM?
00:34.25Zhou Hong:Hi!I'm Zhou Hong.What's your name?
00:52.14Zhou Hong:Where are you from,Maria?
00:55.75Maria:I'm from the USA.
00:58.83Zhou Hong:Where in the USA?
01:02.01Maria:New York.
01:04.71Zhou Hong:Hi!I'm Zhou Hong.What's your name?
01:14.06Zhou Hong:Where are you from,Maria?
01:17.66Maria:I'm from the USA.
01:20.67Zhou Hong:Where in the USA?
01:23.67Maria:New York.
01:26.47Zhou Hong:Hi!I'm Zhou Hong.What's your name?
01:33.86Zhou Hong:Where are you from,Maria?
01:36.65Maria:I'm from the USA.
01:39.24Zhou Hong:Where in the USA?
01:42.03Maria:New York.
01:44.33Zhou Hong:Hi!I'm Zhou Hong.What's your name?
01:51.54Zhou Hong:Where are you from,Maria?
01:54.34Maria:I'm from the USA.
01:57.03Zhou Hong:Where in the USA?
01:59.72Maria:New York.
02:05.91New words:
02:18.71New York
02:29.11Look and say
02:38.901)China 2)the USA 3)Britain 4)Canada
03:09.605)Australia 6)Russia 7)France 8)Japan
03:34.91New words:
03:39.40China Britain Canada Australia Russia France Japan
04:12.00-Where is Liu Hui from? -He's from China.
04:25.09Now look at the pictures.
04:28.981)Liu Hui
04:32.17-Where is Liu Hui from? -He's from China.
04:47.09-Where is Kate from? -She's from the USA.
05:00.98-Where is John from? -He's from Britain.
05:14.25-Where is Lily from? -She's from Canada.
05:28.46-Where is Dick from? -He's from Australia.
05:43.67-Where is Louis from? -She's from France.
05:57.25-Where is Nina from? -She's from Russia.
06:10.83-Where is Rio from? -He's from Japan.
06:26.93Ma Ping:Hi,WuPeng!
06:36.20This is my friend Jane.She's from Australia.
06:41.58Wu Peng:Glad to meet you.
06:45.29Jane:Glad to meet you,too.
06:48.40Wu Peng:Sit down,please,
06:52.08Jane:Thank you.
06:54.20Ma Ping:Hi,WuPeng!
06:58.98This is my friend Jane.She's from Australia.
07:04.07Wu Peng:Glad to meet you.
07:07.15Jane:Glad to meet you,too.
07:10.13Wu Peng:Sit down,please.
07:12.93Jane:Thank you.
07:15.12Ma Ping:Hi,WuPeng!
07:18.41This is my friend Jane.She's from Australia.
07:22.72Wu Peng:Glad to meet you.
07:25.02Jane:Glad to meet you,too.
07:27.32Wu Peng:Sit down,please.
07:29.20Jane:Thank you.
07:32.60New words:
07:35.58sit glad down sit down
07:56.26Chen Ning:Welcome to our school!
08:08.96My name's Chen Ning.What's your name?
08:13.06Peter:I'm Peter and she's Helen.
08:17.06Chen Ning:Where are you from,Peter?
08:20.66Peter:I'm from the USA.
08:23.77Chen Ning:Helen,are you from the USA,too?
08:29.75Helen:No.I'm from Canada.
08:33.75Chen Ning:Welcome to our school!
08:40.33My name's Chen Ning.What's your name?
08:44.15Peter:I'm Peter and she's Helen.
08:47.65Chen Ning:Where are you from,Peter?
08:51.15Peter:I'm from the USA.
08:55.04Chen Ning:Helen,are you from the USA,too?
08:59.35Helen:No.I'm from Canada.
09:03.14Chen Ning:Welcome to our school!
09:07.24My name's Chen Ning.What's your name?
09:10.64Peter:I'm Peter and she's Helen.
09:14.32Chen Ning:Where are you from,Peter?
09:17.43Peter:I'm from the USA.
09:19.73Chen Ning:Helen,are you from the USA,too?
09:23.93Helen:No.I'm from Canada.
09:27.33New words:
09:30.72school our to
09:41.72Read aloud
09:50.031.I i:hi fine nice nine kite bike
10:14.92die line mine pipe knife beside
10:33.232.K k:look book thank desk cake key
10:56.12G g:girl good go glad dog bag
11:17.903.bike my bike I like my bike.
11:34.524.I have a bag.She has a bike.A bag and a bike.
11:43.90The bag is black.The bike is white.
11:49.674.I have a bag.She has a bike.A bag and a bike11:58.37The bag is black.The bike is white.
12:04.66Test yourself
12:14.251.Listen and circle
12:19.551)bike 2)name 3)like 4)kite 5)fan 6)pie
12:51.162.listen and tick
12:57.461)(A)the USA (B)Canada (C)Britain
13:06.652)(A)China (B)Japan (C)France
13:20.633)(A)Russia (B)Australia (C)Canada
13:38.314)(A)Beijing (B)Shanghai (C)Guangdong
13:59.03The key to question 1-4. 1-4 BBBC


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