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来源:网络 所属栏目:北京版小学英语 - 北京版小学英语 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:北京小学英语第五册4听力,北京版小学英语,小学英语 ,听力内容
摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北京小学英语第五册4听力,还有更多的北京版小学英语及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:32.94Mother:What are you doing,Xiao Ming?
00:39.05Xiao Ming:I'm reading a story book.
00:41.87Mother:Oh,dear! Don't read in bed.
00:45.09Xiao Ming:Why? Mother:It's bad for your eyes.
00:48.22Xiao Ming:I see,mom. I won't do it again.
00:51.54Mother:What are you doing,Xiao Ming?
00:55.90Xiao Ming:I'm reading a story book.
00:59.04Mother:Oh,dear! Don't read in bed.Xiao Ming:Why?
01:02.77Mother:It's bad for your eyes.Xiao Ming:I see,Mom
01:06.40I won't do it again.
01:09.83Mother:What are you doing,Xiao Ming?
01:11.65Xiao Ming:I'm reading a story book.
01:13.69Mother:Oh,dear! Don't read in bed.Xiao Ming:Why?
01:17.04Mother:It's bad for your eyes.
01:18.94Xiao Ming:I see, mom.I won't do it again.
01:21.48Mother:What are you doing,Xiao Ming?
01:24.01Xiao Ming:I'm reading a story book.
01:26.23Mother:Oh,dear! Don't read in bed.
01:28.84Xiao Ming:Why?Mother:It's bad for your eyes.
01:31.74Xiao Ming:I see, mom.I won't do it again.
01:34.48New words
01:40.39eye in bed
01:45.38won't will not
01:51.41look and say
02:00.191.A.Example:Don't stay up late.Go to bed early.
02:21.74Now look at the pictures
02:21.791)stay up late go to bed early
02:30.75Don't stay up late.Go to bed early.
02:41.332)litter the floor put it in the dustbin
02:51.20Don't litter the floor Put it in the dustbin
03:03.373)talk keep silent
03:10.97Don't talk.Keep silent.
03:20.014)walk on the grass keep off the grass
03:30.41Don't walk on the grass.Keep off the grass.
03:41.46B.1)No smoking! 2)No parking!
04:00.423)No spitting!4)No touching!
04:12.85New words
04:15.81smoke park spit touch
04:25.84C.New word careful
04:36.781)Be careful!2)Look out!
04:55.12Dad:Don't touch it,Jim Jim:Why?Dad:It's dangerous.
05:03.98Dad:Don't touch it,Jim Jim:Why?Dad:It's dangerous.
05:10.93Dad:Don't touch it,Jim Jim:Why?Dad:It's dangerous.
05:16.99New word dangerous
05:22.65mom:Stay in bed and have a good rest. Don't go out.
05:36.50Xiao Ming:All right.
05:38.20mom:Stay in bed and have a good rest. Don't go out.
05:38.27Xiao Ming:All right.
05:39.52mom:Stay in bed and have a good rest. Don't go out.
05:39.59Xiao Ming:All right.
05:40.67New words rest have a rest
05:54.56Xiao Ming:Mom,I'd like a glass of milk
06:03.99mom:Wait a moment,please.Well,here you are
06:08.80But be careful.The milk is very hot.
06:13.58Xiao Ming:Thanks,mom.Xiao Ming:Mom,I'd like a glass of milk
06:19.43Mom:Wait a moment,please.Well,here you are.But be careful.
06:23.79The milk is very hot.Xiao Ming:Thanks,mom.
06:26.64Xiao Ming:Mom,I'd like a glass of milk
06:30.22mom:Wait a moment,please.Well,here you are.But be careful.
06:35.84The milk is very hot.Xiao Ming:Thanks,mom.
06:38.61Read aloud
06:49.261.ai:wait rain train sail mail afraid
07:10.50ay: day play way may stay today
07:29.86ar: car far star farm party garden
07:49.972.after lady party flower
08:08.52library wonderful idea today
08:20.35banana recorder December fourteen
08:32.003.park in the park
08:39.24 A large dog is barking in the park.
08:43.21park in the park
08:47.10A large dog is barking in the park
08:50.764.Rain,rain,go away. Come again another day.
08:59.41Today is Mother's washing day.
09:02.17Rain,rain,go away.Come again another day09:07.82Today is Mother's washing day.
09:10.56Test yourself
09:19.341 Listen and circle
09:23.071)rain 2)soil 3)boy 4)farm 5)port 6)fur
09:48.932.Listen and number
09:53.691)Don't read in bed.2)Don't park here.
10:09.543)Keep off the grass.
10:16.604)Don't stay up late.5)Don't liter the floor
10:32.356)Don't spit on the floor.7)Keep silence.
10:50.308)Don't smoke here.9)Don't touch it


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