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来源:网络 所属栏目:北京版小学英语 - 北京版小学英语 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:北京小学三年级英语课本4听力,北京版小学英语,小学英语 ,听力内容
摘 要:城市学校网为您提供在线北京小学三年级英语课本4听力,还有更多的北京版小学英语及听力内容,......
以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:22.44David:What are you looking for?
00:27.85Ma Mei:I'm looking for my pen.
00:32.73David:What is it like?
00:35.74Ma Mei: It's new and black.
00:39.63David:Let me help you. Is this it?
00:44.23Ma Mei:Yes,that's it. Thank you very much.
00:50.02David:What are you looking for?
00:53.71Ma Mei:I'm looking for my pen.
00:57.78David:What is it like?
01:00.89Ma Mei:It's new and black.
01:04.50David:Let me help you. Is this it?
01:09.20Ma Mei:Yes,that's it. Thank you very much.
01:15.70David:What are you looking for?
01:20.69Ma Mei:I'm looking for my pen.
01:23.59David:What is it like?
01:25.68Ma Mei:It's new and black.
01:27.88David:Let me help you. Is this it?
01:31.56Ma Mei:Yes,that's it. Thank you very much.
01:35.56David:What are you looking for? Ma Mei:I'm looking for my pen.
01:40.75David:What is it like? Ma Mei:It's new and black.
01:44.86David:Let me help you. Is this it?
01:47.76Ma Mei:Yes,that's it. Thank you very much.
01:54.65New words
02:01.63look for
02:05.31Look and say
02:14.611.New words
02:22.11big small long short
02:33.99thick thin square round pink
02:47.58Now look at the pictures.
02:52.491)What is it like? It's big.
03:00.17 What is it like? It's small.
03:05.161)What is it like? It's big.
03:10.35 What is it like? It's small.
03:14.662)What is it like? It's new.
03:21.67 What is it like? It's old.
03:26.162)What is it like? It's new.
03:30.86 What is it like? It's old.
03:34.963)What is it like? It's long.
03:41.36 What is it like? It's short.
03:46.253)What is it like? It's long.
03:50.43 What is it like? It's short.
03:55.134)What is it like? It's thick.
04:02.02 What is it like? It's thin.
04:07.014)What is it like? It's thick.
04:11.61 What is it like? It's thin.
04:15.615)What is it like?It's square.
04:22.61 What is it like? It's round.
04:26.925)What is it like? It's square.
04:31.31 What is it like? It's round.
04:36.016)What is it like? It's pink.
04:43.01 What is it like? It's purple.
04:47.506)What is it like? It's pink.
04:52.00What is it like? It's purple.
05:00.67Wang Wei:Where are you from?
05:12.06Fang Hong:I'm from Beijing.
05:14.64Wang Wei:What is Beijing like?
05:17.44Fang Hong:Very beautiful.It's like a big garden.
05:21.85Wang Wei:Where are you from?
05:24.75Fang Hong:I'm from Beijing.
05:26.95Wang Wei:What is Beijing like?
05:29.04Fang Hong:Very beautiful.It's like a big garden.
05:32.75Wang Wei:Where are you from? Fang Hong:I'm from Beijing.
05:36.74Wang Wei:What is Beijing like?
05:38.94Fang Hong:Very beautiful.It's like a big garden.
05:43.04New words
05:46.15garden beautiful
05:59.34Liu Yi:I can't find my T-shirt.Where is it?
06:11.25Li Wei:What is it like? Liu Yi:It's old and yellow.
06:16.84Li Wei:Let's look for it.Oh,here it is!
06:22.85Liu Yi:Yes,that's it.Thanks a lot.
06:26.74Liu Yi:I can't find my T-shirt.Where is it?
06:31.03LiWei:What is it like? Liu Yi:It's old and yellow.
06:34.53Li Wei:Let's look for it.Oh,here it is!
06:38.13Liu Yi:Yes,that's it.Thanks a lot.
06:40.93Liu Yi:I can't find my T-shirt.Where is it?
06:44.72Li Wei:What is it like? Liu Yi:It's old and yellow.
06:48.40Li Wei:Let's look for it.Oh,here it is!
06:52.50Liu Yi:Yes,that's it.Thanks a lot.
06:54.90New word
07:09.11Lily:Mum,we have a new library in our school.
07:20.71Mother:What is it like?
07:23.22Lily:It's very big.The rooms are clean and bright.
07:28.10Lily:Mum,we have a new library in our school.
07:34.32Mother:What is it like?
07:36.41Lily:It's very big.The rooms are clean and bright.
07:40.80Lily:Mum,we have a new library in our school


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