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关键词:北京小学三年级英语课本10听力,北京版小学英语,小学英语 ,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 00:16.33Lesson Seven WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?
00:24.35Ah Wen:How cold it is today!
00:34.74Lei Yi:Oh,yes.It's a bit cold.
00:38.43Ah Wen:I like Beijing,But I don't like the cold weather.
00:43.60Lei Yi:What's the weather like in Hainan?
00:47.18Ah Wen:It's hot in summer and warm in winter.
00:51.88Ah Wen:How cold it is today!
00:57.99Lei Yi:Oh,yes.It's a bit cold.
01:01.68Ah Wen:I like Beijing,but I don't like the cold weather.
01:06.85Lei Yi:What's the weather like in Hainan?
01:10.43Ah Wen:It's hot in summer and warm in winter.
01:14.84Ah Wen:How cold it is today!
01:20.54Lei Yi:Oh,yes.It's a bit cold.
01:23.64Ah Wen:I like Beijing,but I don't like the cold weather.
01:27.82Lei Yi:What's the weather like in Hainan?
01:31.01Ah Wen:It's hot in summer and warm in winter.
01:34.80Ah Wen:How cold it is today!
01:39.19Lei Yi:Oh,yes.It's a bit cold.
01:42.09Ah Wen:I like Beijing,but I don't like the cold weather.
01:46.29Lei Yi:What's the weather like in Hainan?
01:49.19Ah Wen:It's hot in summer and warm in winter.
01:53.29New words
01:59.48weather winter
02:05.68summer cold hot warm
02:15.29bit a bit
02:21.19Look and say
02:30.991.New words
02:38.381)clear 2)sunny 3)windy 4)cloudy 5)overcast
03:00.98Example:What's the weather like in Beijing?It's clear.
03:16.08Now please look at the pictures.
03:21.851)What's the weather like in Shanghai? It's sunny.
03:37.032)What's the weather like in Hong Kong? It's cloudy.
03:54.243)What's the weather like in Kunming? It's windy.
04:09.734)What's the weather like in Harbin? It's overcast.
04:33.53Ah Wen:What's the weather like in spring in Beijing?
04:45.62Lei Yi:It's warm.
04:47.82Ah Wen:Is it hot in summer? Lei Yi:Yes.Very hot sometimes.
04:53.20Ah Wen:How about autumn and winter?
04:56.67Lei Yi:It's cool in autumn and cold in winter.
05:01.24Ah Wen:What's the weather like in spring in Beijing? Lei Yi:It's warm.
05:07.23Ah Wen:Is it hot in summer? Lei Yi:Yes.Very hot sometimes.
05:11.64Ah Wen:How about autumn and winter?
05:14.83Lei Yi:It's cool in autumn and cold in winter.
05:18.33Ah Wen:What's the weather like in spring in Beijing? Lei Yi:It's warm.
05:24.44Ah Wen:Is it hot in summer? Lei Yi:Yes.Very hot sometimes.
05:28.83Ah Wen:How about autumn and winter?
05:32.12Lei Yi:It's cool in autumn and cold in winter.
05:35.52New words spring autumn cool
05:51.61A:Merry Christmas to you! B:The same to you.
06:04.62A:It's very cold here. It's snowing.What's the weather like in Sydney?
06:11.91B:It's very hot. It's raining.
06:15.51A:Merry Christmas to you! B:The same to you.
06:20.32A:It's very cold here. It's snowing.What's the weather like in Sydney?
06:25.80B:It's very hot. It's raining.
06:29.02A:Merry Christmas to you! B:The same to you.
06:34.21A:It's very cold here. It's snowing.What's the weather like in Sydney?
06:39.91B:It's very hot. It's raining.
06:43.20New words rain snow
06:58.19Mum:It's Sunday today. Shall we go to the zoo?Hua Hua:Great!
07:07.18Mum:But what's the weather like today?
07:10.29Hua Hua:It's sunny and warm.Mum:That's fine. Let's go.
07:15.88Mum:It's Sunday today. Shall we go to the zoo? Hua Hua:Great!
07:21.47Mum:But what's the weather like today?
07:24.34Hua Hua:It's sunny and warm. Mum:That's fine. Let's go.
07:28.03Mum:It's Sunday today. Shall we go to the zoo? Hua Hua:Great!
07:33.83Mum:But what's the weather like today?
07:36.83Hua Hua:It's sunny and warm.Mum:That's fine. Let's go.
07:41.04Read aloud
07:51.721.ou:out count round cloudy blouse ground
08:12.90about the house blouse and trousers
08:22.702.w:we well wish watch warm weather
08:44.41y:yes yellow you year yard young
09:03.823.house round the house Run round the house.
09:23.204.A Rhyme Spring is gay with flower and song09:36.00Summer is hot and the days are long,
09:40.81Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,
09:46.32Winter brings snow and the New Year again.
09:51.70A Rhyme
09:56.19Spring is gay with flower and song,
10:01.08Summer is hot and the days are long,
10:05.57Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,
10:10.35Winter brings snow and the New Year again


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