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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 UNIT 1-Lesson 7 Are you ready for a quiz?听力

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关键词:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 UNIT 1-Lesson 7 Are you ready for a quiz?听力,冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册,冀教版小学英语,听力内容
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Lesson 7 Are you ready for a quiz?
Do you have your cards ready,class? Let's have some fun!我们来玩一玩吧!
Show the y card for the right answer. Show the n card for the wrong answer.
1.Is this heavy or light?这个是重的还是轻的? It's light.是轻的.
2.What sport does she play?她做什么运动? She's a basketball player.她是个篮球运动员.
She plays basketball.她打篮球. 3.Yesterday Li Ming went to the store.
What did he buy?他买了什么? He bought a T-shirt.他买了一件T恤.
4.What is Li Ming doing now?李明正在做什么? He's throwing the ball.他在投球.
5.What is Li Ming going to do tomorrow? He's going to play ping-pong with a friend.


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