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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 Baby Becky's Summer 小贝基的夏天听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 - 冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 Baby Becky's Summer 小贝基的夏天听力,冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册,冀教版小学英语,听力内容
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Hello again!嗨,又见面了.
My name is Baby Becky.我叫小贝基. I can talk,我能说话,
but I can't say words.但是我不会说单词. Today is June twenty-firts.今天是6月21日.
It's the first day of summer!这是夏季的第一天. "Let's go to the beach!"我们去海滩吧!
I say. "I want to play in the sand!我想去玩沙子!
I want to swim in the ocean!"我想去海里游泳! I put on my swimsuit and my sandals.
I am ready.我准备好了. My mother says,"Oh,Baby Becky!
Do you want to go swimming?"你想去游泳吗? She puts water in the bathtub.她把水放进浴缸.
She puts toys in the bathtub.她把玩偶放进浴缸. Then she puts me in the bathtub.
"Look!"she says. "It's a little swimming pool!这就是个小游泳池!
Isn't that fun?"不是很好玩吗? This isn't fun!这不好玩!
This isn't a swimming pool!这不是游泳池! This isn't the ocean!这不是大海!
This is a bathtub.这是浴缸. WAAAAA!
"What's wrong,Baby Becky?怎么了,小贝基? Don't you like this swimming pool?"
"WAAAAA!" "Poor Baby Becky!可怜的小贝基!
You are too small to swim in a real swimming pool.
Next summer,you will be bigger. Next summer,we will go swimming in the ocean."
I don't want to swim next summer! I want to swim now!我想现在就游!
WAAAAA! "Let's go to the park,"我们去公园玩.
says my mother. "We will look at the flowers.我们会看到花儿.
We will look at the leaves on the trees. We will play on the grass."我们会在草地上玩.
We go to the park.我们去了公园. I play on the grass.我在草地上玩.
I look at the leaves and flowers我看到树叶和花儿 The flowers are red.花儿是红色的.
They look like strawberries.它们很像草莓. The leaves are green.树叶是绿色的.
They look like cabbage.它们很像卷心菜. I love strawberries and cabbage!
I eat a flower and a leaf.我吃了一朵花一片树叶. No,no,Baby Becky!
Don't eat flowers and leaves!不要吃花儿和树叶! WAAAAA!
"Oh,Baby Becky!"says my mother. "Next summer,you will be bigger.
Next summer, you will not eat the flowers and leaves!"
I lie on the grass.我躺在草地上. I look at the sky.我看着天空.
I see big white clouds in the sky. I see kites in the sky!我看到了天上的风筝!
Kites are fun!风筝很好玩! I will fly kites!我要放风筝!
Now I have a kite,现在我有一个风筝了, but I can't fly it.但是我不能放飞它.
It flies me!它带着我飞了. WAAAAA!
My mother says,"No,no,Baby Beck! You are too small to fly kites.
Next summer,you will be bigger. Next summer,we will fly kites."
I see some children skipping.我看到有孩子们跳绳 I will skip,too!我也要跳绳.
Now I have a skipping rope,现在我有一根绳了. but the children stop skipping.
Hey!Please don't sit on our skipping rope! WAAAAA!
My mother says,"No,no,Baby Becky! You are too small to skip.你太小了,不能跳绳.
Next summer,you will be bigger. Next summer,we will skip."
I like next summer better than this summer. WAAAAA!


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