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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 Jeff and David 杰夫和大卫听力

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关键词:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 Jeff and David 杰夫和大卫听力,冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册,冀教版小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 Jeff and David 杰夫和大卫 One day,David Diffo was playing with
his friend Jeff. They were flying kites.他们在放风筝.
It was a hot day.那天天气很热. There was no wind.没有风.
The Diffos never flew kites in the wind. "Let's do something else,"我们玩别的吧.
said Jeff. "Okay!Let's play ping-pong!"said David Diffo.
"We need some eggs!"我们需要一些鸡蛋! "Eggs?Why do we need eggs?"asked Jeff.
"Because we're going to play egg ping-pong!" said David Diffo.
"I can teach you!"我可以教你! They went to the store and bought some eggs.
We need some eggs.我们需要些鸡蛋. Do you have any eggs?你这里有吗?
Yes.Do you want brown eggs or white eggs? David taught Jeff to play egg ping-pong.
"I hit an egg to you and you hit an egg to me," said David.
They playe three games.他们打了三局. There was egg on their hands.他们手上沾满了鸡蛋.
There was egg on their T-shirts. There was egg on their runners.
"You're a good player!"你打得不错! said David to Jeff.
"Thanks,"said Jeff. "Do I win?"
"No,you lose,"said David. "Why?"
"There's no egg on your face,"said David. "Let's do something else,"我们玩点别的吧.
said Jeff. "Okay!Let's play basketball.好!我们打篮球吧.
We need some melons."我们需要些瓜. "Why do we need melons?"asked Jeff.
"Because we're going to play melon basketball! It's the best!"非常好玩!
They went to the store.他们去了商店. "Do you have any melons?"你这里有没有瓜?
asked David. "Yes,we have many melons,"said the clerk.
She pointed to some big melons.她指指那些大瓜 "Do you want these melons?"你们要这样的瓜吗?
"No,these melons are too heavy,"said David. She pointed to some small melons.
"Do you want those melons?"你们需要这样的吗? "No,"said David.
"Those melons are too light."这些太轻了. Then he saw some melons that were just right.
"I'll take twenty,please."我要买20个. Twenty?!
They went to David's house.他们回到大卫家. They saw Debbie Diffo and Diffo Dog.
"Hi,Debbie!"said David. "We're going to play melon basketball.
Do you want to play on my team?" "Sure!"said Debbie.
Diffo Dog played on Jeff's team. They played three games of melon basketball.
Then David said,"You lose,Jeff!" "Why?"asked Jeff.
"Because our team has ten melons. Your team doesn't have any melons,"said David.
"Dogs can't catch melons!狗不能接球! Dog's can't throw melons!"狗不能丢球!
said Jeff. "I know,"said David.
"Diffo Dog is not the best player." Let's play something else,"我们玩别的吧.
said Jeff. "Okay!"said David.
"What do you want to play?"你想玩什么? "My favourite sport is find-the-friend."
"Find-the-friend?找朋友? I don't know that sport."我没听过.
"I can teach you,"我可以教你. said Jeff.
Where's David?大卫在哪? Jeff walked home.杰夫回家了.
His mother said,"Hi,Jeff. What did you do today?"今天干什么了?
"I played find-the-friend with David." "Was it fun?好玩吗?
Did you win?"asked his mother. "Yes!"said Jeff.


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