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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 A Healthy Monster 健康的怪物听力

来源:网络 所属栏目:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 - 冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 作者:城市学校网
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关键词:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 A Healthy Monster 健康的怪物听力,冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册,冀教版小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 A Healthy Monster 健康的怪物
Hi!I'm Maddy the Monster.嗨,我是怪物马蒂.
This is my best friend,Anna.这是我的好朋友安娜. I am a young monster.我是个小怪物.
I am ninety-nine years,five months,three weeks, four days,two hours and fifty-six minutes old.
How old are you,Anna?安娜,你多大? I'm eleven years old.我11岁.
How many months,weeks,days,hours and minutes? I don't know!我不知道!
Monster always know how old they are. I know how old I am!我也知道我多大!
No,you don't.不,你不知道. I am a healthy monster.我是个健康的怪物.
My mother always says, "For nice yellow teeth and big strong bones,
little monsters,eat your phones!" I always eat my phones.我经常吃电话.
Phones are good for monsters.电话对怪物有好处. I like peas and onions with my phones.
My favourite food is tables with cabbage. Don't tables and phones hurt your teeth?
No,monsters have strong teeth. I have strong teeth,too!我也有坚固的牙齿!
Can you eat tables and phones?你能吃桌子和电话吗 No.
People don't have strong teeth人类没有坚固的牙齿 People have weak teeth.人类的牙齿很脆弱.
Reach up high!举高咯! Help!This is too high!救命!太高了!
Bend down low!放低咯! Yikes!
I like to exercise.我喜欢运动. Exercise makes my muscles strong.
I like to exercise with Anna我喜欢和安娜一起运动 Anna?
Yes,Maddy? Can you read this?你能读读这个吗?
Sure.It says,"What colour is healthy skin?" That's easy!这很简单!
Healthy skin is green!健康的皮肤是绿色的! I always do my homework after school.
Before I go to bed,I brush my teeth, I brush my teeth for three hours.
After I brush my teeth,刷完牙之后, I wash my face and comb my ears.我洗脸然后梳耳朵
My mothers always says, "A healthy monster's skin in green.
She combs her ears.她梳理自己的耳朵. Her face is clean."她的脸很干净.
Maddy? Yes,Anna?
Why do monsters comb their ears? Why do poeple comb their hair?


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