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冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 UNIT 3-Lesson 20 Tomorrow we will work and play听力

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关键词:冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册 UNIT 3-Lesson 20 Tomorrow we will work and play听力,冀教版小学英语(三起)--第八册,冀教版小学英语,听力内容
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以下是听力相关内容:请对照以下内容认真听讲 UNIT 3 What Will You Do This Summer?
Lesson 20 Tomorrow we will work and play
1.Going to and will.准备和将会 Tomorrow I am going to wake up at 7:00.
Tomorrow I will wake up at 7:00. I am going to eat breakfast at 7:15.
I will eat breakfast at 7:15. I am going to drive my car to school.
I will drive my car to school.我将开车去学校. I am going to teach English.我准备教英语.
I will teach English.我将会教英语. Everyone is going to learn English!
Everyone will learn English!每个人都将学英语. What will you do tomorrow?你明天将会做什么?
Will you play sports?你会做运动吗? Will you read a book?你会看书吗?
Will you help your mother and father? Will you listen to the radio?你会收听广播吗?
2.We will skip and fly kites!我们会跳绳和放风筝! Tomorrow is Saturday.明天是星期六.
What will we do?我们做什么呢? We will go to the park.我们会去公园.
We will skip.我们会跳绳. We will fly our kites.我们会放风筝.
3.What will Danny do?丹尼会做什么? I will not fly a kite!我不会放风筝!
I will look at the beautiful flowers in the park I will pick some flowers for my mother!
Danny! You can't pick the flowers in the park!
Oh! Okay!
After I pick them,I will run.我摘完了我会跑的. I will run very fast!我会跑得很快的!
I will run faster than the police officer!


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